I held has write these few lines on this incredible tool that is internet, because I am persuaded that my big father, who tried all novelties would have feasted... To your memory Marceau

Graduate of the faculty of medicine of Paris

Physician chief some Germany in a sanatorium close to Baden-Baden (he/it was one of the first surviving of the tuberculosis thanks to the streptomycin in the years 40)

He/it worked in 1956 in the first cabinet of medicine mutual to Novels on Isère (26), on the initiative of the SAMIR.

Very anxious of the man in his/her/its totality, and minded has a big humanism, he/it has been interested very by the homeopathy of which he/it defended the reason, and by the medical handling of the time that didn't satisfy it, because she/it didn't fear the patient in his/her/its entirety but limited itself to the survey of the illness and the symptom and no of the patient as topic, he/it was already in advance on his/her/its time...

His/her/its main publications were :

1951 cancer and drinking water has Paris, medical contest, 17, 3, 1951,

1958 some reflections on the salaried medicine, medical contest, 1623, VIII,

1961 interview of doctor Campesetris, medical contest, 29, 4, 1961,

1964 the luminous index, French homeopathy, 4, 1964,

1965 new techniques in the homoeopathic practice, French homeopathy, 4, 1965, XXX eme congers

1966 acupuncture and measures, notebooks of biotherapy, December 1966,

1967 the etiologic treatment in homeopathy, French homeopathy, 5, 1967,

-Difficult breathings, French homeopathy, 5, 1967,

-The headache of pulsatilla, French homeopathy, 12, 1967,

1968 diagrams therapeuthiques, bulletin of the national union of the physicians homeopaths, 6, nov-dec 1967,

-About a sacralgia, French homeopathy, 1, 20, 1968,

-Return to the sources of the homoeopathic prescription, French homeopathy, 4, 219,

-Salivary Lithiase, French homeopathy, 7, 401, 1968,

-Let's remain the most possible hahnemanniens, French homeopathy, VII, 1968,

-Homoeopathic psychiatry, Doin, Paris,

-Hypothesis on the mode of action of the homoeopathic remedies, bulletin of the national syndiact of the physicians homeopaths of france, May-June 1968,

-Remedies of the sea side, bulletin of the homoeopathic center of france, 181,

-Remedies of the hematuries, homoeopathic annals, October, 699,

1969 illness of the breasts, homoeopathic annals, nov 1969,

-high dilutions in psychiatry, symposium of Montrichard,

-The languages, society homoeopathic odonto-stomatologique of aquitaine, homoeopathic annals, 7, 561,

-OMEGA, monthly magazine of 1969 has 1973 (40 numbers)

-How to find the remedy of the neuralgias?, French homeopathy, 6, 371,

1970 a means efficient to use Ignatia, days of the hospital healthy jacques, homoeopathic annals, 5, 367,

-The aggressions by the polutions of the middle, symposium of montrichard, notebooks of biotherapy, 6, 121, 1971,

-Phosphorus and psychic signs, French homeopathy, 95, 1971,

-Rhumatisma of the knee, French homeopathy, 2, 99,

1972 the feminine lombo-pelvic algias and the dysmenorrheas, in collaboration with Dinouart, Aubin, Maugard, homoeopathic annals, 5, 345, English language Review of the press, notebooks of biotherapy,,

1973 Phosphorus in the schizophrenia, notebooks of biotherapy, December 1973,

1974 epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, in collaboration with Julian, notebooks of biotherapy, October 1976,

1977 medicine in the Bible, the francois, bets,

-Sepia and the dermatosises, French homeopathy, April,

-Biotherapy of the neurotic and depressive etatses, in collaboration with R., Sanznes, notebooks of biotherapy, June,

1978 human medicine, the francois, Paris, This list doesn't stop the but having like work that medicine in the Bible", "human medicine", "homoeopathic psychiatry"... If you possess others referenced articles books, thank you to contact me. I thank to the passage the physician who offered me the book that missed to me generously (homoeopathic psychiatry)... This book is not on line because it was published has little by the laboratories boiron, and I don't know or am the rights of it.

Medicine in the Bible Book of 1977, all rights reserved

Medicine human Book of 1978, all rights reserved

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