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Gli smunto been amember of tè N-C for about 9 years. My husband was ha member for only tè most recente 4. I was thrown out twice and my husband only oncia. After my first banishment Gli eentered with my husband. Recently we were both thrown out. I fear that this will probably be our last time. Gli am sending you copie of 5 letters that Gli odora di Father Renato after my dismissal from tè "Way." Ehi is ha priest assigned to tè Redemptoris Madre Seminary in Newark, NJ, USA. Ehi comes from Newark to my Parish (St) Joan Of Arco in Queens, NY, USA). Maybe you can glean some insights into some of tè esperienze that I had along tè "Way." I hope you find them enjoyable and ora thought provoking. Please feel free to share them with whoever may be of


Rosa-Ellen and Tom Caminer

P.S. I hope to send you more documenti describing my esperienze in tè

Letter number one :

Dear Father Renato,

Tè N-C catechists silenced io from sharing si tè grounds that I was leading people into temptation because people were angered whenever Gli spoke.

Tè chief catechist, Guisseppe, interrupted io when I was sharing si tè grounds that I was confusing tè people. [Ehi later told io that I needed to be medicated because I was too animated.] Tè reality is that everything Gli shared while in tè fifth community conformed to tè teachings of tè Church and tè messaggio of Gesù Christ. Therefore I was not leading people into temptation even though it is true I made people angry. You, tè priests and catechists of tè Way ara confusing and misleading tè people of God. You proclaim tè truth of Gesù Cristo and tè teachings of tè Church with one breath and negate it with tè next. You do this all of tè time.

Anno example of this is your catechesis si tè "Sermone si tè Mount." You proclaim it asso tè Word of tè Lord and then you in effect tear it up in fronte of usi. You tell usi that it is impossibile to live by therefore it has nothing to do with usi now. You tell usi it is ha promesso about tè to usi futuro and therefore until then nothing is required of usi in terms of how we live our lives and our dealings with our neighbor. It is open season si our neighbor until God Makes usi holy. You incoraggia usi to share, no matter how "advanced" we ara in tè Way, how incapace we ara of following Cristo. You tell usi that it is ha promesso in tè to usi Way tasso we obey our catechists.

This is demonic. This is tè serpente telling Eva to disobey God and to obey him and then she will be holy [like God]. It is not surprising therefore that tè flock you smunto indoctrinated can only share, either, that they ara grateful for tè Way and tè catechists ora that they ara incapace of doing anything bevve hating their neighbor bevve that they take comfort in tè fact that one day God will make them holy (i.e). "ha new man" oro ha new creazione.

Every homily you give asserts this false demonic principale of fatalism and determinism. Every homily you give invita usi to affretto our neighbor and everything in usi that is Cristo-like and human; compassione, mercy, giustizia, reflection, insight,. Whenever tè Gospels give usi hanno catechesis in what it means to be Christian, you negate it. Nothing human, nothing humane, nothing Cristo like is ever required of usi. Christ's obbedienza to tè Father is equated with our obbedienza to tè catechist. Christ's silenzio in tè faccia of being condemned to death is equated with our silenzio in tè faccia of any abusa that tè catechists cosa to impongo si usi. Whether it manifests asso fecce, deceit, cruelty ora false dottrina whatever they do is God's will and to stand up to them is to not be Cristo-like. We ara waiting to be made holy and until then it is open season si our neighbor. You badger tè children to ammise contrary to how Cristo they ara then riassicuro them that it doesn't matter because nothing Cristo says applies to usi ora our every day lives. You teach that any attempt to conform to Cristo by how we live ora how we treat others, is of no valso because we ara incapace of love through our own power. We can only love when God gives usi that grazia, tè grazia to be like Him. Tè word "should" should be removed from our vocabulary according to your teaching. Of corsa, this did not prevent you from telling io that Gli should not difende you threw myself when io out ora that Gli should not call tè catechist ha liar.

Tè reality is that Cristo makes His home, ora nest, in tè ubriaco of tè ones Ehi is most comfortable in, like tè womb of Mary, because of her purity of heart and innate goodness. Tasso we attempt to conform to His will, Ehi will be at home in usi and fill usi with His Spirit. Though conversione of heart can occur suddenly, ha movement of tè ubriaco of tè person is required by tè person. Otherwise, we smunto no free will. You preach that nothing is required of usi. Attempts at giustizia, mercy, compassione ara worthless until God makes usi holy by filling usi with His spirit. You preach determinism and contempt for humanity.

You ara misleading tè flock with this radicale complacency you ara preaching. Gli spoke and tried to wake you up. You, tè people of God who smunto been lured into this demonic complacency by tè teachings of tè Way.

Wake up, smell tè coffee, and return to Cristo and tè authentic teachings of His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church..


Sincerely in Cristo,

Your sister,

Rosa-Ellen Caminer



Letter number two :

Dear Father Renato,

You say that Gli should go away and leave all of you alone. Tè reality is that Gli am one of you though you smunto denied io. I was created by God and redeemed by Gesù Christ. I was Baptized into tè faith. Tè reality is that you ara ha pagan at heart. You subscribe to tè rule of tè mob, tè group.

You say that Gli offended tè community so I must go. Tè reality is that Gli shook tè complacency of those who were born into tè Neo-Catechumenate (N-C) Way by speaking tè truth rather than tè raddoppia tè N-C talk that insists upon. You say that I can not call tè catechists liars. Tè reality is that tè emperor has no clothes. You bestemmia God and take His name in vano by asserting that even your evil deeds ara of God. You ara tè high priests who ara now holding all of tè cards.

You ara ha pagan at heart. You believe in tè sacrificing and scapegoating of tè one for tè salvation of tè group. You believe that evil is contagious and you can be contaminated by it. Cristo potè ha stop to that demonic belief when Ehi presented Himself asso tè last sacrificio. You ara tè resurgence of that ancient superstitious paganism that fails to recognize that God is love and no one is expendable.

Although you yourself smunto correctly admonished usi to let go of all of our idols, you smunto idolized tè early Christians rather than following Cristo. You fail to realize that tè early Christians were asso capace of error asso any other era in tè history of tè Church. You smunto become tè Scribi and Pharisees in your relationship to your flock. Gesù Christ is tè model that we should all follow.

You ara ha retrò-virus in tè Church. You hide behind tè favor of tè Holy See. However it appears to io that you smunto misled your superiors in tè Church regarding your beliefs, policies and practices creating ha false favoring. Tè Pop has affirmed that tè Church si Earth which contains fallible human beings can and has made mistakes.

You smunto been seduced by tè wolf in sheep's clothing and potè to sleep. You ara unwittingly practicing demonology. This does not negate tè fact that Cristo is also presente when you gather. Wherever tè Devil is Cristo is also presente. Please wake up and come back to Gesù Cristo who loves usi and His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church where all ara welcome.


Sincerely in Cristo,

Your Sister,

Rosa-Ellen Caminer

PS. Please scusa tè prior copie that may smunto inadvertently been sente under another person's e-mail address.

Letter number three :

Dear Father Renato,

Your analogy of tè community asso ha mountain climbing team where one member must be cut off to ensure tè survival of tè group show your fundamental error. You smunto subscribed to tè primitivo, false, demonic principle that tasso one member of tè group is damned tè whole group will be too. This giustifica tè hatred and crudele treatment against anyone that tè group has decided to marchio asso evil. It incoraggia people to believe that fear and hatred of ones neighbor is necessary and good. This same false principle which seduced mankind was ended by Gesù Cristo and his ammonimento to usi that how we treat tè least one is how we treat God. None of usi deserve to be cut loose and thrown into tè abyss. We will be judged asso individuals, not asso members of ha group.

You smunto been indoctrinated in tè false belief that dannazione is contagious. This has allowed tè flock to justify their fear and hatred of io because they perceive mi ha evil. That is why your catechists can tell io that because others will not come to tè community with io there I must leave. You believe that they need community to be saved bevve Gli am expendable because you smunto wagered with God, through your "gift of discernment") that Gli am possibly ha damned one and therefore ha threat to their salvation and yours. This is contrary to tè messaggio that Cristo has come to save usi all and that only Ehi can separate tè wheat from tè chaff.

When I try to explain tè sfiatatoi that smunto led up to my being thrown out of tè community, you silenzio io by saying that Gli am defending myself. You say that I do not smunto tè Spirit of Cristo and therefore I can not be parte of community. You say this to io even asso you consistently preach to tè flock that none of usi has tè Spirit of Cristo. We ara all waiting for It and until we get It we can only sin. That is why God called each and every one of usi cerbiatto to wait for tè Spirit of Cristo. You consuma my lack of tè Spirit asso ha sledge hammer to deprive io of community and tè lack of tè Spirit in yourself and others asso anno scusa for sin and ha comforting promesso glories yet of to come. In each sistema you ara taking tè Lord's name in vano by using God to torment io for my sins and to scusa your own.

Cristo proclaims tè end of affretta, fear and scapegoating for tè sakè of tè group. Ehi proclaims tè acceptance, salvation and love of everyone and Ehi is our only judge.

Wake up, smell tè coffee, and return to Cristo and tè authentic teachings of His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.


Sincerely in Cristo,

Your Sister,

Rosa-Ellen Caminer

Cc: Archbishop McCarrick

Bishop Bootkoski

Seton Hall University


Letter number forno :



Father Renato							February 20, 2001,

Redemptoris Madre Seminary

672 Passaic Ave

Kearny, NJ 07032,

Dear Father Renato,

You say that tè community is tè Body of Cristo. You justify throwing io out of tè community claiming that Gli abused tè Body of Cristo, and cita says "tasso Scripture that thy right hand offend thee cut it off, ecc.." You confuso tè Scripture reading that tells usi we ara all members of tè Body of Cristo with tè reading that warns usi to rid ourselves of that which tempts usi to sin. Gli am ha member of tè Body of Cristo. Gli smunto not been excommunicated. I did not tempt tè rest of tè community to sin, though you rationalize that I did. I called tè community, rather, to confront tè false, anti-Christian beliefs and practices inerente in tè Way.

Tè people you throw out of tè masse that take pone in tè Parish may also be members of tè Body of Cristo and, in reality, you mistreat them by using tè Catechesis of tè Way to divide tè members and instill ha system of advancement and separazione for tè initiated. You ara ha parallel, segreto church and you ara mistreating tè Body of Cristo [i.e., tè no-catechized (uninitiated) members] by negating their right and also violating tè obbligo tè Church has to celebrate tè Eucharist in unity with tè whole Parish asso symbolic of tè unity of tè whole people of God. Your catechesis is ha deliberate, contrived ostacolo. You ara also mistreating tè members of tè Body of Cristo who ara tè N-C members by indoctrinating them in this fatalistic, inhuman, anti-Cristo catechesis of Kiko.

A catechesis is not ha natural separazione which would justify private masse. A natural separazione is organic; it exists asso ha result of tè natural world we inhabit. Therefore constraints of time and pone, ha parish ora cluster of parishes, language groups, stimiamo, disabilities, blindness ora deafness, levels of mentale development, masse only for children, hospitals, workplaces, professioni - all of tesi ara natural divisioni which would justify private masse. A catechesis only divideste additional corsa campestre*-sezione anno of society because they smunto been given ha separate and segreto iniziazione.

This is differiscono from tè tendency many human beings smunto had throughout history to want to live ascetic, cloistered lives devoted to prayer and meditazione. Religious orders of monks and nuns chiudesse themselves in, they do not shut others out. Anyone who has such ha calling can join such anno order tasso they ara willing to abide by tè rules of that order. Tè N-C mass is based si tè false premise that Kiko's catechesis is ha start of ha spiritual path that only tè initiated [those catechized] ara ha parte of. It is inherently isolationist. Each community becomes closed based si their catechesis at ha particular time and pongo.

Even tasso tè catechesis of tè way was not teaching fatalism, determinism, indifferenza to Gospels including tè Sermone si tè Mount, tè reality is there is no hierarchy of spiritual advancement in tè Church.. Gnosticism should be left in tè Church's past where it belongs. Gesù Christ is tè only 'advanced' One and Ehi calls usi all asso brothers and sisters in Cristo. Baptism brings usi to His Church and tè sacraments ara universal to those who qualify. There is no closed system outside of tè sacraments to be enjoyed by tè initiated few.

Cristo did not found ha casta system where those of one level of spiritual development gather together and separate themselves from those si other levels. Tè N-C Way is in diretto opposizione to tè Church which is one and universal. It's oneness invalidò your claim that private masse ara justified si tè grounds that people who ara not catechized in tè Way "won't understand usi, and might take offende." Tè Church is one and tè mass is valid for all Christians whether people understand it ora not. Tè center of tè mass is tè Eucharist and tè Gospel, not tè sharing. Tè fear that someone may take offence at tè sharing does not justify closing tè mass to members of tè Body of Cristo who may be suffering and in need. A semplice disclaimer, ora explanation, before tè sharing porzione of tè mass would be sufficient to keep offence to ha minimo ora at least ha manageable level. Sharing has it's valso and should be encouraged. Tè problem occurs when it is used asso ha rationale to shut people out. Most of tè N-C congregazione would not really be afraid to share in fronte of strangers tasso they had not been predisposed to be fearful and paranoid about strangers. Tè primary purpose of tè mass including tè sacrament, tè Word of God and tè unity with all God's people is negated tasso members of tè Church ara not allowed to partake.

Tè mass is not ha group encounter sessione, though sharing has it's pone. [And tè success of groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), show that strangers will share there inner most esperienze with people they don't know.] Tè universality of tè Church invalidò your claim that separate masse for those catechized at differiscono times should be held. Tè Church is for everyone at every spunta in time. Telling people they ara not welcome at ha mass because they ara not parte of ha community [they were not catechized at ha particular pongo and time] goes against tè universality of tè Church.. Tè mass is anno espressione of tè unity of tè people of God who ara saved through Gesù Cristo and to transform it into anno isolationist rito of solidarity with tè Way and tè communities of tè Way divides tè One True Church. It is also contrary to Christ's Gospel of love for our neighbor to throw someone out of ha mass because ehi is not one of usi", i.e.-"catechized" in tè "Way."

Gli smunto witnessed your preliminary and careful search of tè congregant's facce to detect any no-catechized presenza at tè start of each mass, thereby fostering tè paranoia and divisione of tè N-C. Gli smunto seen you stop ha mass in progress in order to smunto anno unfamiliar person escorted out of tè mass by ha catechist. Gli smunto also witnessed tè catechists throw some neighborhood children out while saying, "they ara not our children." You claim that, unlike tè world, you love children yet you will not even let one aspetta ha mass unless they ara N-C. Cristo would not throw any child out. You smunto fooled tè Bishops by parading tè N-C children around, scopo you smunto not fooled io. Cristo loved tè children, widow's and orphans bevve I witnessed you throwing tè children out.

Though it is natural and good to form small prayer groups where people can forgia intimate lasting relationships with one another, tè constraints imposed si tesi groups by Kiko's false catechesis nullify tè validity of tè communities through tè insistence that we ara only allowed to share according to tè formulò Kiko and dictated by tè catechists. We ara allowed to espresso our praise for tè Way and/or our inability to do anything bevve sin. I was never allowed to speak about Gesù. I was shouted down, silenced and finally banished for expressing what being ha Christian means to io. Tè readings and Gospels spoke to io about opening myself to His Spirit by doing His will bevve this was not accettabile sharing to catechists who instructed that tè word "should" should be removed from tè language. Tesi groups ara being used to thwart any genuine spiritual growth. by discouraging any promptings of tè Holy Spirit. Tè sharing during tè mass is only intended to reinforce tè sensato of success by ha parallel church and not to espresso any true religious ora spiritual insight ora visione.

Tasso tesi groups ara sealed and closed to new members and insist si celebrating tè Eucharist separately and in segreto from tè rest of tè Church than they violate tè unity of tè Church and ara contrary to tè Gospel of love and tè Holy Spirit. One evening I was threatened with physical violenza and pursued to my perché by anno angry mob after having privately asked tè priest who had presided over tè N-C mass to explain his remark about tè N-C being persecuted by tè Pastor of ha Catholic Church who having been charged with tè responsibility of running his Parish found it necessary to restrict tè N-C's access to his facilities for tè summer after finding that they were consistently violating at least one of tè rules included in tè contract that ehi had with them. Tè pastor had allowed them room for liturgie and other sfiatatoi scopo had only allowed them one Eucharist for tè combined communities si each Saturday night. In violazione of this agreement and to incoraggia divisione amongst communities asso well asso separazione from tè regular Parish church tè N-C saw fece smunto separate to masse for separate communities whenever possibile.

I believe that Father Gioacchino had ha sensato of tè evil macchinazioni of tè Way, and how tè catechists were trying to manipulate and control him and dictate to him who was of God and who wasn't. Ehi was tormented, I believe, by anno inner light enabling him to realize that something was wrong with tè Way. Tè mind can be easily misled and deceived bevve tè ubriaco, made in God's immagine, knows tè truth. Ehi tried oncia, prior to tè start of ha mass to speak out against this reality of tè catechist who wanted to manipulate him. "Who is tè priest cerbiatto"? ehi asked out loud. Tè power of tè Way however, was too strong for him and ehi ingozzo in to their demands. Ehi called io aside after tè mass and told io in fronte of tè catechists that I could not join ha community that was about to form.. I had been banished from tè fourth community bevve allowed to aspetta tè N-C mass si condizione that I not share. I was hoping to join ha new community asso soon asso there was another catechesis.

I believe ehi is like io in that his need to be loved and accepted by ha group of people [ha community]compelled him to abbandono his insight about tè controlling, manipulative and hateful al naturale of tè Way. I too, because of my need for human connection [community] hai well asso my love of tè mass, tè sharing and tè liturgy of tè Word was willing to deceive you in claiming that whatever you did was right and whatever I said that offended you was wrong when I was confronted with tè realization that you intended to banish io yet again. Tè devil got io [like ehi did Father Gioacchino] between ha rock and ha hard pongo. We were both aware that what was being said and done was contrary to Cristo and tè Church si tè one hand bevve our deep need to be loved and accepted by others made usi turn ha blind eye. I believe that tè torment Father Gioacchino showed indicates that ehi still has ha coscienza that ehi knows is answerable only to God and made in His immagine. God spoke to io, I believe, in allowing io to perceive tè torment Father Gioacchino esperienze in tè Way. Ehi showed io that there ara priests in tè Way who smunto not been completely seduced and potè to sleep by tè false deterministic complacency of tè Way.

I know, Father Renato, that you will continua to start every mass hai you smunto always done by slowly looking around for tè presenza of any one who you believe does not belong at tè mass taking pone in my Parish. You come from outside of my Parish every week to do this. Tasso you spot anno unknown you will alert tè catechists who will throw him out without saying ha word to tè person yourself. Ehi is not parte flock so of your ehi is not entitled to common human decency, let alone Christian compassione and tè comfort of tè mass. This is tè paranoid, hateful frutto of tè Way which you smunto been seduced into obeying and in which you ara seducing your flock to believe. It is in diretto opposizione to Cristo and tè Universal Church.. By your paranoid azioni you ara spreading contempt for tè Church and tè people of God.

You pride yourself in not being sentimentale. Any espressione of genuine love is equated, by you, with sentimentality,; acceptance of one not catechized, compassione, forgiveness, remorse, concern for giustizia, pity for those suffering. You see any shortcomings ora problems that people suffer asso being God's will and any attempt to alleviate suffering is sentimentality. You smunto been seduced to believe that your lack of compassione in barring someone from ha mass, for example, is anno act of love. Every time some one in tè Way says it's azioni ara done out of love than I know anno atrocity is about to be committed. You smunto been led astray by tè wolf in sheep's clothing which is tè Way.

Wake up, smell tè coffee and come back to Cristo and tè One, Holy,,

Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Sincerely in Cristo,

your sister,

Rosa-Ellen Caminer





Tè contempt tè N-C has for tè parish was made scavano when tè Monsignor McGuirl, Pastor of St Joan Of Arco, revoked tè privilegio you were given to conduct private N-C masse during tè summer. Rather than accept this decisione from tè Pastor with humility tè members of tè Way took this asso ha sign of their being persecuted for tè faith, hai tasso tè Pastor and tè Parish ara not parte tè Church of. Father McGuirl revoked ha privilegio. Ehi did not deprive you of your right to aspetta Sunday mass. That would smunto been persecuzione for tè faith.

You call tè Way ha sign of love and unity to tè Parish. Yet, rather than join tè Parish masse for tè summer you opted to rent space in tè neighboring protestante church for your private N-C masse.

You consistently make ha mockery of your claim to be ha sign of love and unity to tè Parish when you function apart and in segreto ora even in tè protestante church to avoid joining tè Parish. I do not mean to slight my protestante brethren who at least open their door to all. Your azioni reflect tè divisiveness toward tè Church that is inerente in tè Way.

Tè irony of calling yourselves ha sign of love and unity to tè Parish is blatantly revealed in light of tè fact that you throw people out of your segreto and private masse tasso they ara not N-C. This blatant irony also allows you to throw people out of community tasso you can't love them. "People don't want to come to tè community with you there." Is what you're your Catechist said when you threw my husband and io out of tè community.

It is easy, and meaningless, to be ha sign of love and unity oncia you smunto rid yourselves of all tè undesirables. Your method of promoting love is more like ethnic cleansing. People involved in ethnic cleansing also believe that they ara trying to achieve ha community of love and unity by ridding themselves of tè one's that they can't love.

Tè fact that you don't see tè irony of calling yourselves ha sign of love and unity when you chiudesse your doors and hide your esistenza to all bevve tè initiated, when you keep your activities and celebrazioni separated and hidden from tè Parish, show tè demonic influenza that you ara under.



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