original on http://www.zenit.org/french/archives/9904/ZF990425.html
ZENIT, April 25, 1999 - The world seen of Rome
Jean-Paul II orders fifteen new priests of the Path
QUOTED OF VATICAN, April 25 (ZENIT) - even though he/it is true that the crisis of the vocations is again very strong in Europe and in North America, some, West, the new movements are becoming of authentic sowers of vocations. It is in all cases what today notes "Radio vatican" in his/her/its international information service. Fifteen seminarians of the Néocatéchuménal path, that counts 1200 young in the different seminaries "Redemptoris Mater"et 2000 in contact with the centers of vocation, were neat this morning by Jean-Paul II. One of them, Giuseppe Petrioli, accepted of to make some confidences on his/her/its discovered ministerial vocation after several year of remoteness of the church and a long time of formation in the Néocatéchuménal path.
"One day I realized that my Christianity was only lie, that he/it didn't have any bite, that my life didn't defer some practically nothing of the one of those that told themselves non believers. God intervened in me making a catéchèse of the Path Néocatéchuménal participate in my parish. It is there that I understood that Christianity had it 'mordant', that it was beautiful to be Christian, that the Christ was Lord and that in him I would be able to to find a help to face all crises that I crossed then."
How does a life change with the meeting with the Christ? "I began to open me to the monitoring of God's Speech. I began to to listen to what God told me to be able to live it also in the life of all the days, in my work, in my relation with my fiancée, that me frequented for a long time."
"Someone asked me one day why I didn't become priest
? I felt a resistance in to the of me. But one day, the Lord has me
transfixed by a speech. I participated in an assembly of prayer and someone
read the passage of Annunciation, where the Virgin says: 'I am the maid of the
Lord, that him I am made according to your speech.' I understood whereas I was
stupid not to recognize that God called me. I began the progress
of preparation to the ministration. It was a period of fight and test. I feel
now that the Lord calls me and I am very happy to participate in the
mission of the Christ."