-All Christian is baptized" "badly so much that he/it didn't make a real personal conversion.

-This conversion is a death by which it is necessary to pass. It is necessary to die to the other.

-The Path is "It' means of this conversion.

Those that didn't follow it are baptized badly and come up against insurmountable difficulties to propagate the Faith and to progress themselves.

The stages of this conversion follow those of the baptism. The Path understands :

-a catéchèse

-of the intimate personal testimonies

-the training of the submissiveness for the renouncement to oneself.


-The Path doesn't define itself against the steps and existing institutions.

-The Path is an experience of Salute. No matter the other ways that could be possibly open. He/it ignores them.

-The Path avoids the confrontation.

-The Path is discreet on his/her/its origins, his/her/its structure.

-The Path has for vocation to present through his/her/its members and the love that they share between them a picture that challenges and cause the desire to follow their itinerary. The Path doesn't prospect. He/it must radiate a mystery.

-The experience lived within the Path cannot be shared included either outside of the Path.It is necessary to be initiated to understand, to share and to live this experience.

Consequently, the Path doesn't communicate anything of his/her/its activity and sound lived. His/her/its ceremonies are deprived. The spectators are undesirable.


The Path appears reducing to me.

-For the Path, the man is naturally a 'trash.' He/it cannot reach the love perfects that in the désappropriation of oneself, the pain and the death: 'It is necessary to die to the other.'

The désappropriation of oneself, the pain and the death are necessary. They become ideal goals.

	 this reducing approach little to be adapted to the situation of a strong personality feeling the need to restore itself/themselves facing God and to the other. In his/her/its exclusive character she/it risks to flatter and to reinforce natural tendencies or even to the submissiveness to masochism.

	 she/it denies the necessity of a previous complete incarnation ;

	 she/it denies the character first of the love. She/it challenges the extortion of oneself and the suffering discerned freely like consequences accepted, or even unavoidable of the love. She/it makes some unlike the necessary conditions and sufficient of the love.

	 she/it establishes a false relation to the other while prejudging that one must die in all circumstances to him. She/it challenges the requirement to be fully one in an adult love capable to make share an experience of life.

	Elle induced an individual, elitist gait, autocentrée.

The Path has for model the Christ's Passion; he/it keeps of the Christ's life his/her/its apotheosis and no his/her/its progress as Tel.

The Path privileges the personal relations of proximity, (notably of the order of the couple), in relation to the universal solidarity notion.

The Path presents a danger of totalitarian nature.

	 the necessity to submit to God identifies to the necessity to submit at the institution.

	 the Path brings a global answer to the religious, moral and psychological difficulties.

	 the Path himself protected and protected his/her/its members against a discount in question caused by what is outside to the Path.

The working of the Path is like the one of the totalitarian organizations. His/her/its diagram is the next one:

	 a superior, sublimating idea: God

	 a simple, accessible formulation, but reducing: To die to the other ;

	 an unique means (it is God's grace that passes): The Path

	 an elite constituted in a corps(valorisation by the mission and by the feeling to be of the elected): The community

	 a condition to participate and to reach the supreme goal: to strip itself/themselves and to let itself/themselves guide

	 the consequence of this spoliation: a personal investment summons very strong

	Une locked situation, to leave that abandon the reason, to betray the group, to disown what one believed, to lose his/her/its stake, to dive in the emptiness,: The resignation is culpabilisante and painful

	 him 'outside' is at a time pain and nothing (those that are outside are selfish, of the tepid, or of unmasked false believers): All outside aggression reinforces the faith of those of in.

The teaching is lavished with violence, while challenging the previous personal acquirements of where that they come, while refusing the contradiction.

The Path uses, although it denies the techniques evolved of group dynamics. He/it bars in the same time the recourse to the critical reasoning, suspected to be inspired by the Shrewd.

He/it creates the conditions of a manipulation of the consciences.

The Path and the Men

	 the Path brings a certain comfort to the isolated people or in moral and psychological difficulties :

he/it brings a setting securing and carrier

he/it brings the authentic heat of the group

He/it relieves tensions while sublimating the natural tendencies to the submissiveness.

	 the Path doesn't bring any answers to those that leave it, some can be their disarray.


-e path pursues its activities in margin of the parish. He/it meets every week for a sharing Wednesday and a dominical celebration Saturday.

-These meetings are confidential. The outside parishioners to the path are undesirable.

The activity of the path, the personal experience of his/her/its members is incommunicable. The path refuses the exchange.

	 the path is the norm and the religious exercise place for his/her/its members.

The parish is land has convert.

The office of Saturday is dominical office, the presence to the Mass of Sunday 'gesture of love for their brothers.'

	 the active members of the path continue their activities within the parish.

	 the path doesn't appear and don't proclaim himself as Tel.

His/her/its sensitivity expresses itself through the priest's pastorale, and some liturgical gestures. She/it expresses herself/itself in the catéchèse.

His/her/its message develops the themes of the man's essential smallness and of requires it of a submissiveness-conversion.

	 the secret character of the path, the refusal to communicate and the dismissal of the warnings formulated creates within the parish a reciprocal suspicion feeling, a deaf tension and the absence of truth in the personal reports.

(Testimony of a parishioner of Niort following the arrival of the path in his/her/its parish)





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