NICOLAS Sébastien
University of Liberal arts of Poitiers,
Department of psychology
Of a dependence in the " Autre "
Clinical and pathological psychology mastery memory
Academic year 1996-1997
Under the direction of the Professor François RICHARD
Plan of the invoice
I The alcoholic: " hors-sujet " un ?
1) the references anatomocliniques of medicine
2) the alcoholic topic: topic of l 'énonciation?
3) the alcoholic, without foi(e), nor law?
II The alcoholic remained always alcoholic
1) of the very concept of dependence
2) of the dependence to the alcohol, to this " Autre groupal, "
3) abstinence: a " quête of the Graal ?"
Introduction :
" J'en came to believe that the masturbation was the only big habit, the " besoin primitif ", and that the other appetites, as need of alcohol of morphine, of tobacco, are the surrogates, the products of remplacement. ", only of it
			S. Freud: Letter in Flies n° 79
	Bien that very coveted by the social surroundings (educators, social workers...), the alcoholic topic only interests little the students in psychology. He/it is true that Freud didn't theorize the alcoholism as he could make it for other things, but he has nevertheless the topic in a scattered way landed.
	D'autres psychoanalysts were interested in this problem that is the alcoholic dependence, as for example J. Clavreul, A., Of Mijolla and S. Shentoub, J., Maisondieu J. P. Descombey, or F. Perrier...
	Le topic is not médicalisé less often of it, and, if one attends an increase of the articles on the topic, it is often only to praise the merits of such or such discovered molecule lately...
	L'alcoolisme also interests the medias, this " fléau " touches more and more families; would be responsible of it the losses of employment, the conditions of life...
	Les symposia develop themselves; let's mention " L'alcoologie for example just before the year 2000 ", organized to the Convention center of the Futuroscope, March 21, 1997.
	Mais what interests people in this domain? The numbers (how much are the alcoholics, who drink what...); little place are offered to the real meeting with the alcoholic topic. Is he/it indeed who, and that means his/her/its dependence?
	Les topics that I could meet for this work were patients of the Center Hospitable Henri Laborit of Poitiers.
	Il seemed interesting to me to cut this work in two times. In a first time, we will be interested instead that occupies the alcoholic topic, and in a second time, to know if one can speak of recovery, in only leaning on the relation of the topic to the object alcohol.
	Notre hypothesis of research is that the alcoholic topic is dependent, dependent of this big maternal Other that is the mother. However, the classic medicine, of by his/her/its references anatomocliniques, is " hors-sujet ", she/it is in the assessment of the damages and, of this fact, cannot propose an adapted therapy. From then on, abstinence would she/it be synonymous of recovery?
first part
The alcoholic: a out-sujet ?"
Plan of the first part
1) the references anatomocliniques of medicine
	a): of vice... to the illness
	b): of the recognition of this illness... to the alcoologie
	c): typology of the alcoholic illnesses
	d): a hereditary illness?
	e): How to diagnose the alcoholism?
2) the alcoholic topic: topic of the enunciation?
	a): the notion of topic
	b): the stereotypy of the alcoholic speech
	c): but what is therefore the therapist's place in relation to this speech?
		a): in the beginning, there is
		b): often also the contempt
	d): the oddness of the speech of the alcoholic
		a): the inversion
		b): the prétérition
3) the alcoholic, without foi(e) nor law?
	a): the civil law
	b): the divine law
	c): the social group and the family
Plan of the second part
1): Of the very concept of dependence
	a): of the alcoolomanie to the dependence while passing by addiction
	b): how is this dependence born?
	c): of the dependence... to the autonomy
2): Of the dependence to the alcohol, to this " Autre groupal, "
	a): " L'homme is a wolf for the homme " (T. Hobbes)
	b): presentation of the therapeutic group
		a): some technical characteristics
		b): who speaks and who intervenes?
	c): the effect of group
	d): " Mère institution and Father therapist "
	e): of the therapeutic group... to the group néphaliste
3): Abstinence, a quest of the Grail?
	a) of the " moi idéal " to the " idéal of the me
		a) on the concept of the me ideal
		b): on the concept of ideal of the me
	b): would he/it be better to abstain of abstinence?
	c): abstinence: reiteration of a psychic traumatism?
	d): me, so-and-so, abstinent!
	Il seemed interesting to me to be to the monitoring of that that the alcoholic could deliver us, to try to surround it within his/her/its speech. As we saw it, the problem of the alcoholic goes back up in the time of the childhood, at the time of his/her/its primitive relations, and would be also responsible of it the primary identifications. He/it doesn't stop looking for to that he/it will be able to identify. His/her/its dependence would be only the reflection of a dependence to the other, to this big maternal Other, and evolve in the time, passing a dependence to another. Too often denied of his/her/its topic identity by the classic medicine, he/it meets " hors-sujet ", " hors-champ ".
	Etant in the assessment of the damages more that in the research of that being, the classic medicine listened not to this topic that yet has a lot of things to say. By repercussion, his/her/its therapy finds skewed himself of it and one attends this wild research of an ideal to reach (so much for the patient that for medicine): to be abstinent.
	Mais the question that one tried to land was: is abstinence finally, it signs it of the recovery, can one speak of a " non-dépendance ?" Presumably no, because the analysis shows that the problems are well previous and would require a deeper, a lot more expensive work.
	Nous saw with the passing of this work, that would deserve to be deepened, the " trame " common to this topics, there is not that l 'alcool that is in game. The goal of this invoice was merely to try to cause some questioning on the therapeutic present.
	Il would have there a lot to say on the alcoholic and he/it seemed enough difficult to me to privilege such thing rather than such other.
	Cependant, through the likeness transplant themselves also of the differences: and was the alcoholism so finally only a symptom, would not one have to speak of the alcoholic personalities then?
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* MAISONDIEU M., The shame e bue,XXI French convention of criminology
* MAISONDIEU J. ,The alcooléens,Bayard éditions,1992
* MIJOLLA A. And SHENTOUB S.A. ,For a psychoanalysis of the alcoolique,payot,1981
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The enclosures can be found to the mentioned internet sites......
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