The Prime minister,
On the report of the minister of state, minister of the education, national, of youth and sports, and of the minister of the solidarity, of health and protection sociale,Vu, the I of the article 44 of the law n° 85-772 of July 25, 1985 carrying various arrangements of social order; Seen the law n° 84-52 of January 26, 1984 modified on the teaching superior; Seen the decree n° 84-579 of July 5 1984 relative to the national diplomas; Seen the decree n° 89-684 of September 18, 1989 carrying creation of the school psychology state diploma, The Council of state, (social section) heard,
Enact :
Art. ler. - Have the right in application of the I of the article 44 of the law of aforementioned July 1985 25 to make professional use of psychologist's title while making it to follow, the case, falling, of a qualifier the holders
1° Of the license and the mastery in psychology who justify, besides, of the obtaining :
a) Either of a diploma of superior studies specialized in psychology ;
b) Either of a diploma of study deepened in psychology including a professional practicum of which the modes are fixed by decree of the minister loaded of the higher education.
2° Of foreign diplomas recognized equivalent to the diplomas mentioned at 1° by the minister charged of the higher education after opinion of a commission whose composition is fixed by decree of this minister.
3° Of the school psychology state diploma.
4° Of the diploma of work psychologist delivered by the national Conservatory of the arts and professions.
5° Of psychologist's diploma delivered by the school of the psychologists practitioners of the Catholic institute of Paris.
Art. 2. - The minister of state, minister of the education, national, of youth and sports, the minister of the, solidarity, of health and the social welfare and the under-secretary by the minister of state, minister of the national education, youth and the sports, loaded of the technical teaching, are loaded, each in what concerns it, of the execution, of the present decree, that will be published to the Newspaper official of the French Republic.
Makes in Paris, March 22, 1990.
By the Prime minister :
The minister of state, minister of the national education, of youth and the sports,
The minister of solidarity, health and the social welfare,
The under-secretary by the minister of state, minister of the national education, youth and the sport, loaded of the technical teaching,,