LAW OF JULY 25 1985



 LAW structural n° 85-772 various arrangement of social order

 Ier TITLE - relative Measures to the social welfare 

V CHAPTER: Relative measures to the profession of psychologist

Article 44 : 

I. The professional use of psychologist's title, accompanied or no of a qualifier, is reserved to the holders of a diploma, certificate or title punishing an academic formation fundamental and applied of top level in psychology preparing to life professional and extra on a fixed list by decree in Council of State or to the holders of one recognized foreign diploma equivalent to the national diplomas required. 

Him. Can be allowed to to make use of psychologist's title the people who satisfy to one the two conditions below: - to exercise the functions of psychologist as civil servant or of public agent to the effective date of the present law, this condition being extended beyond this date during one period that is not able to to exceed seven years for civil servants and public agents recruited subsequently or employees in quality of psychologist; - to make the object, on their demand who must be deposited in a delay fixed by decree, of an administrative decision, recognizing that they filled the conditions of formation or of professional experience conferring them one qualification analogous to the one of the holders of the documents mentioned or paragraph 1, to the entry date, in force of the present law. The receipt of the demand file is worth temporary authorization to use the title until the administrative decision.The conditions to fill and the modes of the administrative decisions mentioned to the present article are determined by decree in Council of state. 

III. The usurpation of psychologist's title is punished of the pains foreseen to the article 259 of the code penal.

The present law will be executed as law of the state,

Makes in Paris, July 25, 1985

By the President of Republic : François MITTERRAND

The Prime Minister, Laurent FABIUS,

The Minister of the economy, of Ministry of Finance and of the Budget, Pierre BÉRÉGOVOY,

The guard of the Sceaux,Ministres of the Justice, Robert, BADINTER

The Minister of the Outside Relations, Roland DUMAS

The Minister of the inside and the Decentralization, Pierre JOXE,

The Minister of agriculture, Henri NALLET,

The Minister of the national education, Jean-Pierre CHEVÈNEMENT

The Minister of the Social Business and the National solidarity, Georgina DUFOIX,

The Minister of the Trade, the handicraft and the Tourism, Michel CRÉPEAU,

The Minister of Work, the use and the Vocational training, Michel DELEBARRE,

The Minister of Research and the Technology, Hubert CURIEN

The Minister delegated by the Prime Minister, charged of the rights of the, woman, Yvette ROUDY,

The Secretary of state nearby of the Minister of the economy, Ministry of Finance and the Budget, loaded of the Budget and the Consumption, Henri, EMMANUELLI

The Secretary of state nearby of the Minister of the national education charged of the Universities, Roger-Gérard SCHWARTZENBERG,

The Secretary of state nearby of the Minister of the social Business and Solidarity national spokesman of the government, charged of the, health, Edmond HERVÉ, 


Decree n° 90-255 of March 22, 1990

fixing the list of the diplomas permitting to make professional use of the title of psychologist

The Prime minister,

On the report of the minister of state, minister of the education, national, of youth and sports, and of the minister of the solidarity, of health and the social welfare,,

Seen the I of the article 44 of the law n° 85-772 of July 25 1985 structural various arrangements of social order ;

Seen the law n° 84-52 of January 26, 1984 modified on the higher education ;

Seen the decree n° 84-579 of relative July 1984 5 to the national diplomas ;

Seen the decree n° 89-684 of structural September 1989 18 creation of the school psychology state diploma ,

The Council of state (social section) heard,

Enact :

Art. ler.

- Have the right in application of the I of the article 44 of the law of the 25 aforementioned July 1985 to make professional use of the title of psychologist while making it follow, if the case arises, of one qualifying the holders

1° Of the license and the mastery in psychology who justify, besides, of the obtaining :

a) Either of a diploma of superior studies specialized in psychology ;

b) Either of a diploma of study deepened in psychology including a professional practicum of which the modes are fixed by decree of the minister loaded of the higher education.

2° Of foreign diplomas recognized equivalent to the diplomas mentioned at 1° by the minister charged of the higher education after opinion of a commission whose composition is fixed by decree of this minister.

3° Of the school psychology state diploma.

4° Of the diploma of work psychologist delivered by the national Conservatory of the arts and professions.

5° Of psychologist's diploma delivered by the school of the psychologists practitioners of the Catholic institute of Paris.

Art. 2. - The minister of state, minister of the education, national, of youth and sports, the minister of the, solidarity, of health and the social welfare and the under-secretary by the minister of state, minister of the national education, youth and the sports, loaded of the technical teaching, are loaded, each in what concerns it, of the execution, of the present decree, that will be published to the Newspaper official of the French Republic.

Makes in Paris, March 22, 1990.

By the Prime minister :


The minister of state, minister of the national education, of youth and the sports,


The minister of solidarity, health and the social welfare,


The under-secretary by the minister of state, minister of the national education, youth and the sport, loaded of the technical teaching,,




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