Testimonies sent by Friedrich GRIESS

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Testimony of March 2001


In a first time, I would tell you how my wife Podli and myself has had an experience of the path néocatéchuménal.

In the middle of the years 80, poldi joined a team from the path to Vienna for two reasons: the first, it is that a couple that appartenanit with us to the "teams our lady" (you know this Catholic movement of French origin surely) had left this group and joins a group of the path. Poldi, that was this woman's good friend didn't want to lose contact. secondly, our daughter Wiltrud had joined a sect "Smiths friends" (original of norvege, but I think that there are also some adepts in of Lorraine) and poldi wanted to verify while being outside until or one could go with a sectarian group within the church. She/it lived positive things, as work with the Bible, and in the beginning it seemed democratic enough. I have been invited once has a gathering and after the office, I have been challenged not to say attacked by a woman member of the path that thought that I was a Christian ignoble and that she/it had to convert me. She/it explained me to what point the things were marvelous within the community and that I should come every time and not that from time to time. I explained to him that I was parochial member of the board and that I had a lot of things have make, that I could not be everywhere has the time. Then she/it looked at me and told to me "But the bottom it is not the Faith, there is only here that there is the faith." A little later, Poldi told to me that the things became less and less democratic. The first persons responsible of the community, the mentioned friend couple had been elected here over. Once his/her/its husband was absent and his/her/its wife, a doctor, directed the meeting. When the high leaders had knowledge of it, they said than so much that there would not be would be that that only one man here and whatever is his/her/its qualification, he/it had to be the leader and it is only if he/it only remained some women in the community that one of her would be responsible. The following leader has not been elected but named by above.

To the meetings of in the evening, it was usual that the people who read the Bible also say personal words. Once they read a passage of the former will on the tower of Babel. Poldi had the idea that the path was a species of attempt to win the sky by his/her/its own strengths, as the Babylonians made it, and it is what it wanted to say with his/her/its words but one has of it to him prevents.

Then, there were the "vote" or people were hurried and had to make public confessions. Poldi finally left the group. They told to him "if you leave the group, you will be lost forever." The couple of which we spoke in a little while also left the group. The reason for which they left the group was the following :

The catechist in chief of the path néocatéchuménal has Vienna was an Italian of the name of Giovanni Gucci. He/it had lived to comes during long years but didn't speak German very well. he/it always had with him a big Bible and never opened it. Once the man of this couple noticed that Giovani opened its Bible. She/it was hollow and there was a tape recorder inside with which he/it recorded the conversations of people to their unawareness. It is a criminal fact in our country.

In our parish had during one time 2 celebrations for Easter, one for the members of the path (of 5h00), the other for the plain people. At the end of a certain time, the celebration for the plain people stopped for lack of no one. Of this fact the church was locked during the Mass.

People of the path didn't tell hello anymore to the "apostates."

To the moment or Poldi was leaving the path, I went to work 2 months has London. I lived to quoted of the Ealing abbey has the west of London and I appreciated this parish a lot. As a course of introduction to the catéchèses began, I followed the teaching. I felt the same behaviors that Vienna has. In progress, they told us: "All Catholics who come to the Mass here that are not worth anything that is some natural religiosity." Once, one of the catechists said: "if we are only ready has die for our friends, that is not worth anything, we must be also ready die for our enemies." I told this catechist that the Bible said then: "no one has bigger love than the one that loosens itself of his/her/its life for those that he/it likes" (Jean 15,13) the catechist answered: "but what we say is well better than that that so-called the Bible."

I often asked for what will be then the path but the answers were always: "you will see well"

Finally, they lent me a book that I could read concerning the path neoocatechumenal. It was mainly reports of papal audiences, of big photos of kiko arguello (the founder) with the pope. In one these reports one of the members told pope jean Paul II: "Saint father! My life stopped to the death of pope XII magpie and restarted when you became pope. The other popes didn't interest me really."

Before leaving London, I wrote a letter to the priest of the parish of the abbey of Ealing (I will try to recover this letter and to send it to you). I never received an answer. When I returned on London another time, I spoke again with the priest of the parish. He/it was very friendly but avoided to speak of the letter that I had sent to him carefully.

My impressions are that there are a lot of sectarian elements in the path néocatéchuménal. In first the model Manichaean noir/blanc, the fact to think to be the elite, "you are lost if you leave the group." Then the artificial language that person has the outside cannot understand. And a very undemocratic style. I had the impression that they were all of the "zombies."

There were the same remarks critiques about the path neocatechumenal in the booklet about the new movements in the church published by the diocese of Vienna. I would try to translate these remarks for you. But the best analysis criticizes that I saw was written by Novel Bleistein SJ and published in "Stimmen of the Zeits" (the voices of this time).

I am distressed, but it is so difficult to speak of these problems in a language that is not your maternal language. I will try subsequently. I join you an article found in the tablet."


Friedrich Griess.

Testimony of 1994

(translates has a translator's help... lack of time...)

The communities neokatechumenalenes, a critical consideration,,

He/it should not be doubted that some new initiatives were continually necessary in the race of the history of our church to renovate of in here the church in accordance with the requirements of time. As not, that these initiatives were before all incomprehensible a lot of contemporaries and often her himself against the resistance as well as the simple believer as against also this of here arks had to adopt. Still the rule of the gospel and the Katholizität was however to such initiatives to land. Even though has been produced again so heroically by new movements of performances appearing, if they inflicted the damage to the entirety of the church, if they spread the faction instead of concord, if they preached "another gospel", one could not consider it in profitable block as the salute of people.

In agent the "Neokatechumenalens communities", 1964 of painter Spanish Francesco, "Kiko", Arguello, claims for oneself to be a movement ecclesiastical renovator. The opinions on it in the ecclesiastical public are shared: some consider it as the unique the possible answer on the scream after Neuevangelisierung and realization of the demands of the second Vaticanums, others see an inside-ecclesiastical sect in it. A well-intentioned and even relative judgment says, the principles are indeed good, the realization lets the human insufficiency however here and there of to wish remaining.

Owes it here to hand of the book of Ricardo Blásquez, the communities neokatechumenalenes, a path of the introduction in the Christian belief, that of a manner will show of the principles criticizes durchleuchtet and according to the practice of the experiences of several places. (The quotes of the book are in the bold-face.

The affirmation is already in the introduction of the book, he is about to a "grant, that has been confided to God's two initiators. If one believes it or hope, it is certainly legitimate. To put it but merely so as the indisputable affirmation is probably conceited.

Fortunately the author sees the N.K then. as "opened for the signs, by which God indicates the insertion and the definitive creation in the church." Except it that can be ever a little "definitive" on earth, I hope that this principle is taken in the seriousness and the N.K. ready is to recognize some mistakes and to deposit.

In the first chapter, the big baselines are now explained. For most nothing, that didn't already announce always the church, is not there, only the unaccustomed words (z.Bsp) become partially to it. "Kerygma", frequent wall lamp that a certain language gate does naturally to the "normal" Catholics. Between it is sprinkled formulations however doubtful of which the exploding strengths appear bigger umso if one knows, as they are manipulated in the practice.

About oneself had to with the indisputable declarations as "the announcement of the resurrection is prudent trained to people, who are of the slaves of the fear owing the death", is. What is if a man doesn't fear the death? The announcement of the resurrection is not then controlled to it? A common principle of every missionary activity says, one must be going to look for the man where it is. Jesus said about Natanael: "There 1, 47, and on the sinner, comes a real Jew, a man without the falsity", Joh,: Ses/leurs a lot of sins "are forgiven to him because she/it showed so much love. , Lk 7, 47. He/it has it thus to the positive in the retiring life of people that came to him, absolutely recognized. As Paulus confesses to the Athenians in his/her/its speech on the Areopag that she serves people is, Apg. 17, 22. The principle of the N.K. , also confirm the experience of practice, said however apparently, one must first carry the man by there, where him himself after the ideology of the N.K. to judge has, so he/it owes z.Bsp. learns to fear the death first -, to him then there of to be able to go to look for. Concretely that is called, if someone, that lived to decade of his/her/its life as the Christian believer, the N.K. if join you, then he/it must see all his/her/its past life and by negative glasses. Logically a Christian can, that not the N.K. belong, cleanly no good Christian is. This attitude is typically sectarian!

A little later he/it is enacted: "In a process for a longtime, the Neokatechumenens the hidden discover and hardly riches cost of the baptism." Did they hire statistical elevations on it? Oder is again the doctrine behind it: "Outside of us cannot have" anything good? The tendency becomes even more distinct in the declaration: "In the beginning, no one feels concrete as sinners, no one has some enemies, all have a lot of beliefs, all dear so. With the mirror of the community, each discovers one, that he/it absolutely has the belief of the church to implore, and precisely that arrives in the first Skrutinium. Before one begins to build, one must demolish." True is that the Christian to daily, eternally conversion loan he/it must be that the palingenesis of water and the mind is the condition for the path of the salute. Jesus spoke of the palingenesis that he didn't say anything of the laceration. The method to destroy all, to construct again then completely differently, first is again a typical sect method.

In the "family's year" (1994), that is sworn also by a lot of bishops, and in one time, where also the church calls to it, to share work, to reduce out of work disconcerts formulations as: The "death is to work, illness, family everything that destroys, etc.,... "

The declaration is "besides rejoicing, the intern grows to attitude that leads to it in the man" not to condemn the brother. I doubt but e that precisely this declaration in the practice of the N.K. he/it is achieved. The public confession in the Skrutinium drags to it, the man the mistakes, that they confess to that, to reproach continually. This shape of the public confession is besides also a very current method to champagnes, that to stop of the members under the control and, to be able to extort if the case arises also.

The affirmation is to be dangerous and conceited "the community neokatechumenale the church of Jesu Christi, that achieves itself at a determined place." First formulation "the church of Jesus Christi." Secondly the complaint, to one, probably geographically too containing, to represent the church of Jesu Christi instead. One already sees the convenient consequence in several parishes: all becomes on N.K. so out of place, these members of the parish, that are not of agreements with him, experience according to the majority, "must emigrate." Precisely it is not "Catholic"; if "would be consecrated" to put back also in question. The N.K. if he/it can only put then so the complaint Catholic being like a gets along of numerous communities, that form the church together. He/it is indeed as here that the community of the N.K. in the parish should be inserted. The combination of the two declarations gave while the church of Jesu Christi should be inserted in the parish what all the insanity of the first declaration shows. If he/it is called "... is church of Jesu Christi... ", so it gave a completely other picture.

That loyalty becomes supported parish and bishop, had to not be come out again intentionally cleanly for an ecclesiastical community. Indeed the priest's expertise is limited again then on the next side: ".. unthinkable he/it is that the priest benefits the group created in the parish, to their an orientation" to give after his/her/its personal will... Unfortunately the priests, who discover son/leur hype for the N.K, appear but that to become completely blind for other millings of the being of Christian and are then available to only more of a small group that they apparently consider as the "rest consecrated" like directors of conscience. Oder owed a very treatment of the N.K. with the other groups in a parish about loan as "will" of the priest interprets and is refused therefore? The double hierarchy doesn't consist maybe to the mind that a direction results without the knowledge of the priest of the outside, however but in the mind, that the catechists appropriate a whole pre-eminence that surpasses imposing ceci/ceux here of middle clerks against the warning of Jesu "Ihr should let call not you but of rabbi, because only an is your master, you but all is brothers" (Mt 23, 8). It would be true to wish that the bishop, who should have the last word, pronounce as ceci/ceux here in the mind that him the N.K. as affects his/her/its place to a movement under many.

A vast principle is apparently despised in the practice. He/it is here that all gates of the kind should be demolished among others. The fact of experience is than also the most capable woman cannot guide of assembly so much as a man is even any present.

The second chapter now describes the path neokatechumenalen. Here, he/it is applied for again "that the starting point is incredulity or personal aversion, the antichristian mind of the world or the natural religiosity, that are incapable, to resist the strong secularization of the environment, the perfectionist moralism with the pharisaic aftertaste or the political infiltration of the faith in one or other minds." Again indisputable affirmations, that put the man there, where him after the ideology of the N.K. to be had. Especially the attack on the "natural religiosity" makes itself noticed. Ever something of "enlivened naturaliter christiania" or "gratia supponit naturam" belongs? The conceivable conclusion would be that the N.K. a non natural religiosity inhales.

While priest's formation moves more recently in the proximity of practice, z.Bsp. Diakonatsjahr -, the N.K wants. on a "long path" this contact with the reality apparently that possible a long time outside - ` hesitates. The meticulous formation is sure desirable, however not so reinforced that then one, in his/her/its ideology, that cannot recognize the reality, eingesponnen, anymore.

Also the demand is dangerous after "Arkandispziplin." This one was allowed in the original church owing a hostile environment. You today on the Christian outside of the N.K. to use means, a segregative fact to dig to tear and to stop the possibility of an exchange of ideas fertile. This one doesn't mean the "flight of particularities automatically." Naturally the secret fortifies the cohesion in the small community, it interrupts but ceci/ceux here to the bigger community of the church. As it is a characteristic typical of a sect.

Is again on two indisputable affirmations signaled here that didn't prove to be in the practice: here, he/it is that the "responsible and responsible are chosen. It didn't arrive more later however in a case, Döbling, St, Paul, indeed in the beginning. And also, that "all met themselves" again, cannot be affirmed precisely that the reduction was enormous.

Ceci/ceux is criticized again here, that not the path of the N.K. if goes: "... on the other side he/it discovers it that the Christian doesn't always have since all these times, that to possess thought it, and than not the respectful of the law so dear, as they believed" to like. More of N.K become always in the next one. with the compared "church": "The church, apartment of the mind, takes that one that doesn't make this under sa/leur protection" and require it to discover the secret of the church "in time."

Insolently formulation appears had been lent the Holy spirit "in the first Skrutinium. It suggests the opinion, the Holy spirit is assigned automatically to an ecclesiastical community by the Partikularzeremonie. The church possesses a sacrament, the confirmation, to which the Ausgießung of the mind implored on the candidates and according to the divine acceptance is received. Besides the mind, where he/it wants, breath. By the way sacraments, what formulation must,: "... the sacraments... is transmitted to the Neokatechumenens that they must return the church... ? If the N.K has. another Sakramentenverständnis as the church?

Evidently the Christian cannot serve God and the "veal of gold simultaneously." Some Erfahrungsgemäßs become to apply but silvers given for other as for her, that one usually qualifies with "the poor people." I know of the expensive journeys, that only with the help of the organizational cohesion of the N.K. if served.

"The violent sign" of a man converted is not sure. The sign of a mature man is while it understands to distinguish the minds. The word of order incorrectly included to become like a child, is used with big success of a lot of champagnes that hindrance by it makes it to nurture ses/leurs members. Here is also the word of the Paulus to consider: "When I was a child, I spoke like a child, thought like a child and judged like a child. When I became a man, I deposited what was the child mine." , 1 Kor 13, 11.

Formulation: "You now collaborate also of way increased in the parish: in the Katechesen to the communion first, to the confirmation, to the conversations of baptism, to which Ehevorbereitung can etc", as the literal instruction to the violent synchronization of all activities in the parishes what arrives unfortunately also in the practice is understood.

I don't have a fear besides to confess my belief publicly. I always make it to my expositions and already made it like teenagers in the "millennial empire", and doesn't understand, why him for a member of the N.K. such a superior burst performance to make it today should be

This, if as rococo, affirmation, that only the Katechumenens can pass to it, that to be of the chosen, resound honestly laughable.

In the reflections concluding, the formulations, that are ambiguous and contradictory, become even offered the ex. to z.: "he/it is a Katechumenat.. and form communities Christian in that watch the unique church of Jesu Christi to himself and achieve." If he/it is called as then: "... evidently in the true community with the parish, the diocese and the total church", so the danger is but big to believe, as N.K. ," to be "the unique church of Jesu Christi.

The N.K. now defend himself against critiques while he/it refers to the "value judgements on behalf of the pastoral authorities of the church." To stop what is of such value judgements, the example following watch: a physician more in a German Catholic manner composed a book, in that him the large families of the sect of the "Smithianer" and especially son/leur refusal of the contraception described enthusiastically, and sent a copy in Vatican. A Surrogate composed would have recognized it there an answer renting with which the "Smithianers" now circulate and brag the Catholic church. This sect probably belongs to the hateful minds of biggest church of the world. So the praise vatikanischese is not the pass!

If the following heel truly of the N.K. in the practice was respected, there was probably the less objections: "Him, c. - to. - d. the path neokatechumenale, a charisma is next to other charismas, that are shouted, in the inside of the total church, the diocese and depending on whether their of the corresponding proportions to live together in the parish and to make. He/it is therefore inappropriate that a charisma allows" to be the unique path of the lifesaving... That this warning is not observed extensively in the practice, apparently holds of not only the imperfection of people, that is active in it, but, as has been shown in the salient, to doubtful and contradictory formulations of the principles, that make some concessions to the human declivity, on the expenses another one something particularly and, to want to be the best. Unfortunately he/it is as well as the N.K. the other precisely what he/it even exercises indeed reproach that is hurried by that "to the side of others and are carried to the silence."

There is naturally in the N.K. the also a lot of positive things, I am convinced that a lot of people by it find the path to the belief that of other ecclesiastical communities would not be joined to itself. Unfortunately the circumstance makes but that a small community feels as the elite and on all others prominent top that a part his/her/its fascination on people certain of, the case was it finally also to the Nazism. , To benefit this fascination, that finally on expenses of the other and with it the church as entireties go, one cannot qualify with certainty like Catholic. If the N.K. himself with it accommodated to be a community under many, and the judgment on the value of other God communities let, then bestünde in his/her/its Katholizität no doubt. Of the vast criterias had to decide then, so also him gospel according to is. Don't assure then, if him his/her/its principles for "better than the gospel" stop.

He/it should now be described briefly as the problematic shown reverberated to several places:

Döbling - St Paul:

, I am as guest there. H. try to evangelize me."" I answer, I follow in more mine The parish of homeland

as the advice of parish asset and can come therefore only occasionally. H. on it:: "But there is but

not faith! There is only the faith!"

, The confession asked in the Skrutinium, one has been caused by the Katechese to the belief.

, It becomes exclusively songs of the N.K. sung. There are not any notes, one owes by heart all

if learns. A guest cannot actively participate.

, The celebration eucharistique. In the spacing of few minutes, one listens to another group in the same

The buildings precisely the very songs sing. Me: "Why don't we celebrate an Eucharist" together?

H.: "Of educational reasons."

, "So again an unique present man is, all identical to what faculties, a woman can, and

if she/it is again so appropriate, the assembly doesn't guide."

, H. could be seated to a meeting in the Rome in the first set, because him since ten years him

N.K. belong.

, The L., that himself after the conscious Christian life and during score of years the N.K. if attached, has been said, her

if must begin all before.

, F. TO L.: "You were remain the last with which I would make a preparation this

The guilty foundation.

, H. IN L.. "If you leave the community, you are lost."

London, Ealing Abbey, course of introduction,):

, It was nearly impossible to speak with the catechists. You came 15 minutes before beginning the

The meeting, the chairs establish, in the orderly! right, and left again. So all

The listeners place had taken, they came back, ses/leurs monologues stopped, in that a lot of

The dialogue the speech was, and left the space again.

, The catechists spoke a lot of the "community" and painted circles symbolically to the for it

The picture. When I tried once before the beginning of the meeting, the set of most previous chair easily to

so curve, a catechist immediately fell that way and straightened it again.

, This the first said evening became literal at second and also the third evening

again (= brain washing!,

, "Every member must be led by a catechist (= Sheperding-Cult!,

, "The N.K. if the answer is on the 2. Vaticanum."

, "The catechists cannot listen to some other on no one as on superior ses/leurs."

, The catechist: "If we are only ready to die for our friends, so it is completely frivolous. Us

if must be ready to" to die for our enemies. Me: "In the Bible is but, a bigger love has

no one as this, that gives his/her/its life, for his/her/its friends." The catechist: "What we say, is a lot better

as this, that is in the Bible."

, The catechist: "The people, who go to the fair there, it is not anything, it is only a religion of nature."

, There fundamentally was not a Liedertexte, one had to learn by heart all.

, On all questions, as he/it continued, the answer resulted: You will already see it "."

, A book on the N.K., in the English language and to Rome printed matter, that then one me on

the repeated thrust but borrowed, contained a report on an audience at pope Johannes Paul

the second. A participant said there: The "sacred father! My life didn't end under

Pius XII. and I regained it again first under your pontificate; the three popes between that

so didn't interest me.

1. The January 1994 Friedrich Grieß


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