NICOLAS Sébastien
Psychologist clinician
Places of exercise
:Hospitable center, UDAF, Cabinet,
Liberal exercise to theFormation
:Various vocational training (conférences,etc...)
1998: Clinical and pathological psychology DESS
1997: Pathological and clinical Psychology mastery
1996: License of Psychology
1995: DEUG of Psychology
1990 - 1992: DEUG of Right
1990: B final exam
Languages: English and American: convenient current (scientific and technical)
:Since September 2001 : Intervening to the point meets the UDAF of Niort (0.09 ETP)
Since May 2001: Liberal exercise in Niort, to the 17 Rue Mère Dieu.
Since 1999: Supervisions for different services hospitable and extra hospitable.
Since 1998 : Teaching by the students of the I.F.S.I (school of nurses) of the Hospitable Center of Niort
Since 1998: Psychologist clinician to the Hospitable Center of Niort in federation of internal medicine and resuscitation, in the C.D.A.G.(0,75 ETP)
1999: Teaching in social psychology has the university of Poitiers, department IUT GEA of Niort (2 hours / week), during 1 year.
1998-2001: Psychologist clinician to the Hospitable Center of Niort to the I.F.S.I (Institute of Formation in Cares Male nurses) (0,50 ETP)
1998: Supervision of a speech group for the team of a home of the Young workers (10 hours / month), during 1 year.
1997-1999: Attending formative of Liberal arts and Social for students in médecine(PCEM1) in Poitiers (28 hours / month)
Practicums: 1998: Training psychologist in DELTA79, center of care for drug addicts in Niort(79)(un year)
1997: Training psychologist to the Center Hospitable Henri Laborit, Toulouse pavilion, in Poitiers(86)(un year)
1996: Training psychologist to the unit of the Psychotics Déficitaires in Poitiers(86) (one year)
Training psychologist to the Emergencies of him FALLEN The Miletrie in Poitiers(86)
Works and research
:Since 2001, various texts and research on the victimologie bound to the sects and the sectarian phenomena, and creation of the sites
1999 conference to "live with the HIV" at the time of a national symposium of the association medical baha'i, to the convention center of Angers (49), in replacement of an intervention foreseen by Doctor Descamps.
Can one speak of exclusion for the person affected by the vih ? Of quelle(s)s forme(s) of exclusion ?
1998 dishes your gives the drug addict's planning psychothérapique in a context of hold of it (dé)charge by the hydrochlorate of methadone and the buprénorphine."
	Que to think the politics of reduction of the risques ? Who is the toxicomane ? What choices therapeutic possibles ? What is he/it of it of the parole ? How to work with the treatments of substitution ?
1997 of a dependence to the "Other", on the problematic of the patient says alcoholic
&#Is 9;Quelle the fundamental béance of which endures the one that one calls alcoolique ? Is it about a béance to the level of the Autre ?L'appartenance to a group néphaliste she signs a " guérison ", or she/it is not that the sign of a slip of a dependence to an autre ?
Various information :
Born April 1st, 1972, Free of the Military Obligations,
Authorized B and possession of a vehicle
Convenient of golf to high-level
Passionate of informatique(Programmation inter and intranet, Java...)
Webmaster many internet sites : (RÉSUMÉ and presentation of Psychologists) (Presentation of the profession of psychologist and numerous legal resources on this profession) (site of varied resources on the clinical psychology with a more personal presentation) (possibility of consultation by telephony or by visiophonie) (prevention by information on the sects and the sectarian groups) (directory of resources in psychology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis) (to understand what is the neuropsychology) (site of a friend dental prosthesis technician)
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