In a first time, as the classic mail he/it is stored on the sender's server (and can be read by the fornisseur of access of this last)
then, he/it circulates via internet or he/it can be intercepts either by people pain intentional either by services of information (according to some words (ex clinton))
Finally he/it arrives on your server and your supplier of access is also able reading...
To the difference of a classic envelope, one cannot see if the promenade has been read or no... to remedy has it, it is right to have recourse has the encryption of his/her/its promenades.The security passes by the. the encryption can make itself in 64, 128 or 1024 bits (it is the length of the encryption key...
Many software of encryption exist of which most known is probably majority of the countries allows the data encryption excepts the russie, the irak... the france. The decree 99-200 of March 17, 1999 defining the categories of means and benefits of cryptologie dispensed of all formality preceding a debate exists. It is necessary to have a previous authorization to use systems of superior encryption has 128bits (easy has decode, for someone that knows itself of it...)
For an authorization, it is necessary to connect has dependent site of the ministry and the Prime minister's cabinet..
Http:// has other infos
For systems of superior encryption has 128 bits, know that it is the best protection but that it is illegal...
to make left from it: here
This WebRing is a gathering of WaReZ sites and H/P/V/A/C
solely French-speaking.