SIGN JUNE 22, 1996

General principles
The professional exercise
The title of psychologist and the definition of the profession
The conditions of the exercise of the profession
The technical modes of the professional exercise
The Psychologist's duty towards his/her/its colleagues
The psychologist and the diffusion of Psychology
The Psychologist's formation
The principles of the formation
Conception of the formation

The respect of the human person in his/her/its psychic dimension is an inalienable right. His/her/its recognition founds the action of the psychologists.
The present Code of Deontology is destined to act as professional rule to the men and to the women who have psychologist's title, whatever is their fashion of exercise and their professional setting, including their activities of teaching and research.
His/her/its finality is above all to protect the public and the psychologists against the mésusages of psychology and against the use of methods and techniques himself claimant abusively of psychology.
The organizations professional signatories of the present Code use themselves to the to make to know and to respect. They bring in this perspective, support and aid to their members. The adherence of the psychologists to these organizations imply their engagement to respect arrangements of the Code.

The complexity of the psychological situations opposes the simple systematic application of rules practices. The respect of the rules of the present Code of Deontology rests on an ethical reflection and a capacity of discernment, in the observance of the big following principles,:

1 / respect of the person's rights
The psychologist refers his/her/its exercise to the principles decreed by the domestic laws, European and international on the respect of the rights fundamental of people, and especially of their dignity, their liberty and their protection. Him only intervenes with the consent free and illuminated of the concerned people. Reciprocally, all person must be able to address directly and freely to a psychologist. The psychologist preserves life deprived of people some guaranteeing the respect of the professional secrecy, including between colleagues. Him respect the fundamental principle that no one is held to reveal whatever it is on himself.

2 / expertise
The psychologist holds her expertises of knowledge theoretical regularly set up-to-date, of a continuing education and one formation to discern his/her/its personal implication in the understanding of others. Every psychologist is guarantor of his/her/its particular qualifications and defines his/her/its clean limits, considering his/her/its formation and his/her/its experience. He/it refuses all intervention when he/it knows how to not to have expertises requisite.

3 / responsibility
Besides the responsibilities defined by the law township, the psychologist has a professional responsibility. He/it becomes attached to that that his/her/its interventions conform to the rules of the present Code. In the setting of his/her/its professional expertises, the psychologist decides the choice and of the application of the methods and psychological techniques that he/it conceives and puts some work. He/it answers therefore personally for his/her/its choices and the direct consequences of his/her/its actions and professional opinions.

4 / integrity
The psychologist has a duty of integrity in all his/her/its professional relations. This duty founds the observance of the rules ethical and his/her/its continuous effort to refine his/her/its interventions, to specify, his/her/its methods and to define his/her/its goals.

5 / scientific quality
The fashions of intervention chosen by the psychologist must be able to be the subject of an explicitation reasoned of their theoretical foundations and of their construction. All assessment or all result must be able to be the subject of a debate contradictory of the professionals between them.

6 / respect of the assigned goal
The methodological devices put in place by the psychologist answers the motives of his/her/its interventions, and to them only. While constructing his/her/its intervention in the respect of the assigned goal. the psychologist must take therefore in consideration the possible uses who are possibly able in to be made by third party.

7 / professional independence
The psychologist cannot alienate the independence necessary to the exercise of his/her/its profession under some shape that it is.

In all circumstances where the psychologist estimates not to be able to respect these principles. he/it is in right of to make play the clause of conscience


Article 1 - The use of psychologist's title is defined by the law n°85-772 of July 25, 1985 published to the FEDERAL REGISTER of July 26, 1985. Are psychologists the people who fill the conditions of qualification requisite in this law. All shape of usurpation of the title is liable of pursuits.
Article 2 - The professional exercise of psychology requires the title and psychologist's statute.
Article 3 - The mission fundamental of the psychologist is to make to recognize and to respect the person in his/her/its dimension psychic. His/her/its activity is about the psychic component of the individuals, considered separately or collectively.
Article 4 - The psychologist can to exercise different functions to liberal title, salaried employee or of public agent. Him can fill different missions, that he/it distinguishes and makes distinguish, as the advice, the teaching of psychology, the assessment, the appraisal, the, formation. the psychotherapy. research, etc. These missions can exercise themselves in various professional sectors.

Article 5 - The psychologist exercises in the domains bound to his/her/its qualification, which appreciates itself notably by his/her/its academic formation fundamental and applied high-level in psychology, by formations, specific, by his/her/its hands-on experience and his/her/its works of research. Him determine the indication and proceed has the realization of acts that is a matter for his/her/its expertise.
Article 6 - The psychologist has the specificity of sound respected exercise and his/her/its technical autonomy. He/it respects those of the other professional.
Article 7 - The psychologist accepts the missions, that him esteem, compatible with his/her/its expertises, his/her/its technique, his/her/its functions, and that nor infringe to arrangements of the present Code, nor to the statutory provisions in force.
Article 8 - The fact for a psychologist to be bound in sound professional exercise by a contract or a statute to all private corporation or all state agency, don't modify his/her/its professional duties, and some particular his/her/its obligations concerning the professional secrecy and the independence of the choice of his/her/its methods and his/her/its decisions. He/it notes the Code of Deontology in the establishment of his/her/its contracts and refers itself of it in his/her/its ties professional.
Article 9 - Before all intervention, the psychologist insures of the consent of those that consults it or participate to an assessment, one, search for or an appraisal. He/it informs them of the modes, the objectives and the limits of his/her/its intervention. The psychologist's opinions can concern the files or of the situations that are returned to him, but his/her/its assessment is not able to to carry that on people or situations that he/it could examine himself. In all situations of assessment, whatever is the claimant, the, psychologist reminds to people concerned their right to ask for one counter-assessment. In the situations of research, he/it informs them of their right to withdraw itself/themselves at all times of it. In the consultancy situations judicial, the psychologist deals equitable way with each of the parts and knows that his/her/its mission has for goal to illuminate the justice on the question that is asked him and no to bring some proofs.
Article 10 - The psychologist can receive, to their demand, of the miners or adults protected by the law. His/her/its intervention nearby account of their statute, their situation and statutory provisions takes after them in force. When the consultation for miners or adults protected by for the law is asked by a third, the psychologist requires their consent illuminated, as well as the one of the possessors of the parental authority or the tutelage.
Article 11 - The psychologist doesn't use her position to ends personal. of proselytism or alienation of others. He/it doesn't answer the demand of a third that searches for an illicit or immoral advantage, or that makes act of abusive authority in the recourse to his/her/its services. The psychologist doesn't hire no assessment or of treatment implying people to which he/it would be already personally linked.
Article 12 - The psychologist is only person responsible of his/her/its findings. He/it makes state of the methods and tools on which he/it founds them, and he/it presents them in a way adapted to his/her/its different interlocutors, of manner, to preserve the professional secrecy. The concerned persons have the right to get one comprehensible report of the assessments them concerning, whatever is some the recipients. When these findings are presented to third party, them answer that to the calm question and don't include the elements of order psychological that found them that so necessary.
Article 13 - The psychologist cannot take advantage of his/her/its function to guaranty a malfeasance, and his/her/its title doesn't dispense it of the obligations of the common law. In accordance with the legal provisions penal concerning non aid to no one in danger, he/it is made him obligation therefore to signal to the loaded judiciary powers of the enforcement of law all situation that he/it knows how to put in danger the integrity of people. In the particular case where these are information to confidential character that indicates him some situations susceptible to carry reached to the person's psychic or physical integrity that consults it or has the one of a third, the psychologist values in conscience the conduct to hold, some, taking into account the statutes of limitations concerning professional secrecy and of aid to no one in danger. The psychologist can illuminate her decision some taking advice by experienced colleagues.
Article 14 - The documents emanating a psychologist (attestation. balance, certificate, mail, report,, etc.) carry his/her/its name, the identification of his/her/its function as well as his/her/its coordinates professional, his/her/its signature and the recipient's precise mention. The psychologist doesn't accept that of others that himself modifies, sign or annul the documents being a matter for his/her/its professional activity. He/it doesn't accept not that his/her/its reports are transmitted without its explicit agreement, and he/it makes to respect the confidentiality of his/her/its mail.
Article 15 - The psychologist arrange on the place of his/her/its professional exercise of an appropriate installation, of adequate premises to permit the respect of the professional secrecy, and of technical means are sufficient in relation with the nature of his/her/its acts professional and of the people who consult it.
Article 16 - In the case where the psychologist is stopped from pursuing his/her/its intervention. he/it takes the suitable measures so that the continuity of his/her/its professional action is assured by a colleague, with the agreement of people concerned, and without prejudice that this new intervention is founded and possible déontologiquement.

Article 17 - the psychologist's practice doesn't cut down to the methods and to the techniques that he/it puts in work. She/it is inseparable of one critical appreciation and of a setting in theoretical perspective of these techniques.
Article 18 - The techniques used by the psychologist for the assessment, to direct ends of diagnosis of orientation or selection, must have been scientifically validated.
Article 19 - The psychologist is aware of the relative character of his/her/its assessments and interpretations. He/it doesn't pull no reducing or definitive findings on the faculties or the personality of the individuals, notably when these findings can have one direct influence on their existence.
Article 20 - The psychologist knows the statutory provisions and authorized exits of the law of January 6, 1978 relative to the data processing, to the files and to the liberties. Consequently, him collect, bill, class, archive and keep the information and data pertaining to his/her/its activity according to the arrangements in force. When these data are used to ends of teaching, of research. of publication, or of communication, they are treated imperatively in the absolute respect of anonymity, by the deletion of all element permitting identification, direct or indirect of the concerned people, this still in conformity with the statutory provisions concerning the nominative information.

Article 21 - The psychologist sustains her colleagues in the exercise of their profession and in the application and the defense of the present Code. He/it answers their demands of advice favorably and help them in the difficult situations. notably while contributing to the resolution of the problems ethical.
Article 22 - The psychologist respects the conceptions and the convenient of his/her/its colleagues as far as they don't infringe to the general principles of the present Code; it doesn't exclude the critique founded.
Article 23 - The psychologist doesn't compete his/her/its abusively colleagues and makes call to them if he/it estimates that they are more to even than him of to answer a demand.
Article 24 - When the psychologist fills one mission of audit or consultancy opposite colleagues or institutions, him the makes in the respect of the requirements of his/her/its deontology.

Article 25 - The psychologist has a responsibility in the diffusion of psychology, by the public and medias. He/it makes the psychology and of his/her/its applications a presentation in agreement with the rules ethical of the profession. He/it uses his/its right of rectification for to contribute information communicated to the public seriously.
Article 26 - The psychologist doesn't enter in the detail of the methods and techniques psychological that he/it presents to the public, and he/it informs it of the potential dangers of an uncontrolled use of these techniques.


Article 27 - The teaching of psychology to the future psychologists respect the ethical rules of the present Code. Some consequence, the institutions of formation, :
- distribute the Code of Deontology of the Psychologists to the students since the beginning of the studies,
- ascertain the existence of conditions permitting that develops himself the reflection on the questions of ethics bound to the different convenient: teaching and formation, convenient professional, research.
Article 28 - The teaching present the different fields of psychology survey, as well as plurality the theoretical settings, the methods and the practices, in a worry appropriate in perspective and of critical confrontation. He/it necessarily banishes indoctrination and the sectarianism.
Article 29 - The teaching of the psychology makes a place to the disciplines that contribute to the knowledge of the man and to the respect of his/her/its rights, in order to prepare the students to land, the questions bound to their future exercise in the respect of the knowledge available and of the ethical securities

Article 30 - The psychologist not teaching psychology participle not to formations not offering any guarantees on the seriousness of the finalities and the means. The teachings of psychology intended to the continuing education of the psychologists can only concern people having psychologist's title. The teachings of psychology intended to the formation of professionals non psychologists observes the same rules ethical that those stated to the articles 27, 28 and 32 of the present, Code.
Article 31 - The psychologist teaching psychology stays up has that that his/her/its practices, as well as the academic requirements (memorial of research, professional practicums, recruitment of topics, etc.), are compatible with the professional deontology. He/it treats the information concerning the students acquired on the occasion of the activities of teaching, formation or practicum, in the respect of the articles of the Code concerning people.
Article 32 - He/it is taught to the students that the psychological procedures concerning the assessment of the individuals and groups requires the biggest rigor scientific and ethical in their handling (prudence, verification) and their use (professional secrecy and standby duty), and that the presentations of case make themselves in the respect of the liberty to agree or of to refuse, of the dignity and the well-being of people presented,
Article 33 - The psychologists who frame the practicums, to the university and on the land, look after what the trainees apply arrangements of the Code, notably those that are about confidentiality, the professional secrecy, the, illuminated consent. They oppose what the trainees are used as non gainful professionals. They have for mission to form professionally the students, and no to intervene on their personality.
Article 34 - in accordance with the statutory provisions, the, psychologist not teaching psychology accepts no remuneration for her leaves of a person who has the right to his/her/its services to the title of his/her/its academic function 11 don't require some students that they follow academic extra formations pay or no, for the obtaining of their diploma. He/it doesn't hold the students for patients or customers. He/it doesn't require their free involvement or no, to his/her/its other activities, when they don't make explicitly gone of the training program in which is hired the students.
Article 35 - The validation of the knowledge acquired during the initial formation himself makes according to official modes. She/it is about the taught disciplines to the university, on the critical capacities and self-evaluation of the candidates,, and she/it requires the reference to the ethical requirements and to the rules ethical of the psychologists.

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