The hold of cannabis has adolescence


	De more in addition to young teenagers, sometimes same very young, consume the cannabis. Is it necessary to become alarmed of this? Is it necessary to ridicule itself/themselves of it on the contrary? Does have t there him of the risks?

it is had these few questions that we are going to try to think.

The cannabis is a substance descended of a plant of which 2 varieties exist, sativa and. The Indian hemp is also used has of other ends, as for example the confection of cloths or ropes.

What are the fashions of consumption? Generally, this product is smoked, with or without addition of tobacco. He/it can also be ingested, what entails a longer effect and the more numerous gastric risks then.

He/it is smoked under " naturelle " shape named beuh, grass, pot... it is about flowers dried non polenisées, what increases the content in THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) active substance of the cannabis. He/it can also be smoked as barrette, shit, resine,etc... it resembles has a rod more or less brown black dark and often gangway with various products more or less toxiques(paraffine, polish, earth...).Under this shape, one burns it slightly and one crumbles it then. Finally the oil of cannabis, very active and dangerous that gets itself enough easily, it is an extract, present himself under blackish liquid shape.

He/it can be smoked pure or mixed with tobacco.

He/it can be rolls generally like a cigarette with 2 or 3 leaves and a filter cardboard or of tobacco, one speaks then of joint, stick.

He/it can be smoked has the help of a bang (hollow utensil containing water and a mouthpiece), it has the advantage to cool smoke and also to keep some impurities.

To smoke the cannabis has adolescence is not necessarily dramatic, it can be about a conducted exploratoire all made normal has this age. The problem occurs when this consumption becomes important, in hermit, or in answer has a pain being.

The use of the cannabis often procures a species of euphoria, and lower the anguishes. However, among some subjects, on the contrary, a quick anguish is going to make itself day with sometimes of the attacks of panics or a raving décompensation.

It is necessary to ask the good questions. Why do I smoke the cannabis? how many times per day? Only or in group? How long? Do I often think has it in the day? When do I smoke my first joint? The last? Do I also smoke for me " dépouiller ?" Do I arrive - t him to mix with the alcohol? etc...

Sometimes, the recreational use of the beginning becomes a dependence without even that one realizes it... If you smoke 2 or 3 joints per day, do you think that the one that drinks 2 or 3 glasses of whisky per day is alcoholic or in pass to become he? If yes, you have the answer.

If it is your child who consumes, he/it is right not to panic and to tempt to converse with him, possibly to propose him an outside monitoring (psychologist, psychiatrist, physician of family).

To smoke the cannabis can be a symptom behind which transplants themselves of problematic others, or can be a thing without gravity. It is as with the alcohol, it depends on reason, how, when. Well often it is a conduct that permits to share something in a group, to make a ritual permitting to be accepted by his/her/its equals. But it can slip because this " automédication " conceals the necessary anguishes has the teenager to construct itself/themselves.

Besides it is a foot put in a gearing that is the one of the dealers (the sellers), a world not very advisable...

Diaboliser doesn't need the cannabis but it is not necessary either to make the apology of it. It is an active substance that has a lot of repercussions on health, especially so much that he/it is not legalized and therefore " plus as for has his/her/its contenu ." A joint it is about 20 cigarettes... because the cannabis dilates the pores of the lungs and increases the number of tars received...


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