Of the New spiritual communities: The impulses for the pastoral work, no. 17,

Pastoral office of the Vienna archdiocese, 1994,,


The Neokatechumenat is born to 1964 in Spain, initiate painter Francisco Arguello, named Kiko. He/it had converted of the atheism to Christianity and began his/her/its announcement among the gypsies in the periphery of Madrid. Soon he/it received some invitations in the parishes, there of to stop Katechesen. On this path, this path neokatechumenale spread internationally and includes already approx. 500.000 members. He/it is present in 94 states in all continents in 3000 parishes in 600 dioceses. The world growth began with the Aussendung of "Itineranten", Wanderkatechisten, the decisive significance in the Neokatechumenat has. You want like prophets, sent of the church, witnesses of Jesus' resurrection is. You renounce, also as family, on the financial securities, under the call on Mt 10. In block the community wants to help the only one, his/her/its call, reader, cantor, virgin, married... ) to discover and to live. This path is to all, priests and amateurs, Christian of decoration and married, opened.

"Explicitly the communities neokatechumenalenes underlines continually that they don't get along as the "independent movement" but the Neokatechumenat is "a path structured of a meticulous return on which one rediscovers the Christian life in his/her/its authenticity and abundance and wants to testify God's love in the world in the stages.

The Neokatechumenale movement arranged internationally of the ministerial seminaries with the name "Redemptoris Mater" that makes in the setting of this path, to the dioceses depends. 1992 pass in Europe 12 seminaries, in which studied about 750 men. About 800 students were besides to diocesan ministerial seminaries.

The path of the Neokatechumenats wants to lead the parish of a Sakramentenpastoral "with time to a pastoral of the Evangelisierung."

The community neokatechumenale is linked pfarrliche, it has son/leur own path in the parish, as liturgical, and wants to help towards the members to catch up the Katechumenat nearly for a longtime in a process, with Skrutinien, garaged of the Bible, the creed (the Vaterunser) and, to discover the riches of the baptism thus.

The practice

The path in the Neokatechumenat has a least length of 15 years upwards there with an open length. In the different stages, some rear gradations are possible. Beginning is put with the announcement of a "Katechese for the adults and the teenagers", people are first invited to it of the parish and vicinity. "The team of the Katechisten is composed of a priest as guarantors for orthodoxy and Kirchlichkeit of the announcement, a couple and a young man who form a small Evangelisationsgemeinschaft."

After the Grundkatechese katechumenat follows the front (or Prä,).

"The celebration eucharistique Saturday is formed particularly solemnly in the Neokatechumenat. ... The fact, that this celebration eucharistique is not generally accessible, is justified with it that protected by it before possible inconveniences and should be encouraged the mind of the community. 'The texts of the songs, that one sings in the communities neokatechumenalenes, are the AT and the NT. In the book of song, they are in a neat manner of the e after the phases, in which they are sung every time. The songs are sung by heart what makes impossible to a layman that the involvement has been allowed the celebration eucharistique under the interview with the respective chief the makes to sing in unison. The song book neokatechumenale is not findable in Vienna; he/it means 'Riscuscito. Canti by The communità neocatecumenali' and has been published to 1977 in Rome. To the

, To learn some texts, the Viennese Neokatechumenens receive German copies that are distributed by the Itinerantenkatechistens.

The Vorkatechumenat is finished by the first Skrutinium. To this topic he/it is called among others: "With the mirror of the community, each discovers one that he/it absolutely has it, the belief of the church implores, and precisely that arrives in the first Skrutinium. Before one begins to build, one must demolish"

After this preparation results at two, until the passage aged of three years in the Katechumenat, that ends by the second Skrutinium. Then the real Katechumenat follows. A vast stage comes after years of the practice in the simplicity of Christian life: "The passage owing Katechumenat to the Auserwählung produces vgl himself in a liturgy, in which one writes down his/her/its name in the "book of life." Lk 10, 29. As "electi", chosen, or "competent", experienced, all sa/leur "fidelity put" to the union with God in the Jesus Christ under the proof: You can rest in God's will and can displace oversimplicity in sa/leur existence."One cannot say anything "of other of this level that like that has descriptions of the path katechumenalen and experiences derer that this section cut, visible becomes". "

"If the union of baptism is now again inferred, the only ones are introduced "in the stage of it 'Neophytats' of the Neugetauften, c. - to. - d. in the "lived pasha. The end forms this phase and culminated at the same time not of the Neokatechumenats. The "neophytes" had cut the "constituent stages of the Christian life": "Humility (Vorkatechumenat), simplicity, Katechumenat after the baptism, and praise, Erwählung and renewal of the Taufversprechens, ".

"In the paschal night 1986 renovated" the members of the first community neokatechumenalene of Madrid solemnly son/leur vow of baptism to the fence of son/leur path.

"The content of every stage can be recognized distinctly first at the end of the Katechumenates, it is, because the personal experience is irreplaceable, it is, far from discretion of a certain Arkandisziplin' is stopped. It arrives... of the respect before the very path, before the man, who browses these levels, and before that that comes" after them.

"Decisive to this process is the community as the experience of reason of the church. She/it is substantially to word, Eucharist, community" in him 'tripod.'

A problem in the practice represents the secret of the writings of which there is only little some of: The orders, the Kiko and Carmen this as since the beginning of this path is hired, their Katechisten with on the path gives, doesn't arrive outside on his/her/its circle.

The stands

Specifically it can appear many if of the Christian don't want to go is qualified this the "path" like partisans of nature religions and in the known Skrutinium should become to have come alone by the Katechese of the Neokatechumenats to the belief.

The pope Johannes Paul II, as soon as his/her/its staff secretary Stanislaw Dziwisz should be promoters of the Neokatechumenalen path in Vatican. So pope Johannes recognized Paul II. for example before African bishops to a conference of the Neokatechumenalen in February 1994 in Rome the stake of the Neokatechumenalen in Africa. He/it said that the parish and that had to contribute together in his/her/its active platoon under the direction of the priest and his/her/its collaborators aware of to grow and lives of the church.

The priest of general Rudolf Viennese Trpin told 1994 of them: "The Neokatechumenat is fundamentally very good something, but this path is not able to become watched as the unique in a parish, because the other parochial members to exclude feels.

Precisely this point has, to all odds of this spiritual path that the Neokatechumenat represents, as Novel stone of SJ lead like an answered danger., that a "special" township, that prevents the aspirate priest innovation, form himself. In addition to the difficulties resign themselves by the picture of oneself élitaire and exclusive, Neokatechumenat "is the church", by a doctrinaire belief intervention, and a tie of group überstarke often.

Bishop's priest for the city of Vienna, Anton lifesavers esteem this test of a "Neuevangelisierung", remark but among others in a critical manner: "More or less prudently what doesn't go this path becomes sollen/könnens, disembarked, in the played side and also in sa/leur Christendom put back in question. The division in the parish is therefore unavoidable.

That becomes distinct in the religious offices, that the group famous neokatechumenale intentionally. This event often culminates in the quarrel to the two feasts of paschal night (first for the plain and then for the members of the path). ...

He/it is clear with that for me that he/it doesn't get along with a priest's duties if he/it is also the priest of the path neokatechumenalen. Because then he/it also can his/her/its obligation, 'lntegrationsfigur' or, to be he 'spiritual' for all movements in the parish, doesn't follow. Maybe that quite goes well" not elsewhere with an obligated priest pfarrlich.

One says in an unpublished and of Munich landmark: The communities neokatechumenalenes is, "even though they don't see it so" to assign to the shape of monastic socialization of the faith "rather, some convents would be considered until today like places of the renewal of the church. No one had the idea however, that to widen rules of a decoration community therefore on everything that is believer. Such a view would free the communities neokatechumenalenes of a judgment "theologically one-sidedly negative of the world and the judgment of the man's Geschöpflichkeit and would protect it at the same time from the temptation, that 'of others', that doesn't mean the members of the path neokatechumenalen to estimate small or it as unsympathetic and, to watch weakly in the belief.

The impression remains as well as this model himself in the shape of staff's township, if some priests are sufficiently available for the parishes, himself absolutely positively it can reverberate; if the total township of this a path is engraved but by the priest, tensions don't fail to arrive.



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